Registration Fee
Registration Fee
For this competition, both 2D and 3D artists, are invited to submit their best art and photography using black & white & the nuanced shades in between. Any subject matter and any media are acceptable for this competition. The artwork can range from realism to surrealism to abstraction and artists, regardless of location or experience, are encouraged to submit their best representational and/or nonrepresentational art and photography.
Here's how to enter:
Entry fee is $35 for up to 2 images.
If you are submitting a photograph or watercolor, must include frame and matte (black frames with white matte ready for hanging)
Ready-to-hang photos must be received at the gallery by 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 31, 2020.
All prize winners, judges selection and honorable mentions will be shown in the gallery. All awards will be made at the show opening and Artists' Reception on Friday, February 7th at Red Door 104 Gallery, 104 North Main St. Farmville, VA from 6-8pm.
FIRST PRIZE: $250.00
THIRD PRIZE: $100.00
Judges' Selections: Only the images selected as finalists will be shown
Winners will be notified by February 6th, 2020.
Artists attest images are their own work and have no copyright infringement. Red Door 104 will not be held liable for any infringement of rights that might arise during the judging or display of any image.
By submitting, you grant Red Door 104 the right to use your image(s) for posting on our website, advertising the gallery and promotion of this and future events.
Only Red Door 104 Gallery has the right to publish and post winning photos during duration of show, between November 15th and January 1st, 2020.
Entering into this competition indicates artist's acceptance of any and all terms and conditions stated in this or other information regarding this competition.
It is agreed that the artist will present the selected image(s), matted and framed (photographs and watercolors) according to specifications required and stated by the gallery, by the deadline. Any work that does not meet the specifications will not be displayed.
Artist(s) affirm that all work submitted is original and does not infringe on copyrighted material.
It is understood the Red Door 104 Gallery shall charge a commission of 35% on all work sold during the duration of the exhibition.
Red Door 104 Gallery will use and display images on the gallery website and social media sites for the purposes of promotion. Promotional usage of images shall be free of royalty and no extra charge will be sustained by the artist(s) or gallery for said promotional usage. Display of any and all images in exhibition shall be at the discretion of the curator.
It is further understood that the Red Door 104 Gallery will not be held responsible for the payment of return postage on any artwork nor will the gallery be held liable for damages sustained during shipping due to mishandling by couriers or improper packaging.
The Red Door 104 Gallery will insure the work in exhibition for the duration of the exhibition at no cost to the artist(s).
By paying the entry fee, the entrant signifies that he/she has read and understands the above terms and conditions.
FINALLY: If you have any questions or issues, please contact us. We will make every effort to get back to you as soon as possible.